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Top Locksmith Tolleson: What to Do, Car Key Stuck in Ignition

As a motorist, there are quite a few things that you should know about your vehicle. Surely, it is a bit unrealistic for every motorist to know how to complete oil changes and replace all the worn-out parts on their vehicle. However, knowing how to troubleshoot common problems that may occur with your vehicle is quite advantageous.

Have you noticed that something is amiss with the locks on your vehicle? Call Top Locksmith Tolleson in Tolleson, AZ! Once you are in any area that we service, we can send mobile technicians out to your location.

If you have ever been in a situation where your car locks were giving trouble, you may have some idea of how to handle a stuck key in the ignition. But, if not, you may be in for a rough ride.

So, What Should You Expect If Your Car Key Gets Stuck in the Ignition?

Everyone reacts differently to situations. Sometimes you never know how you will react to a situation until you are in it. For some, it may be a bit difficult to think carefully and make well-thought-out decisions. For others, they’ll be quick on the draw and figure at the best solution in a very short space of time. But, regardless of what category you fall in, here are a few things that you should do if your key is stuck in the ignition.

  1. Don’t panic!

    As stressful as the situation may seem and as eager as you may be to get in your car, DON’T PANIC! We know that it can’t be fun when you’re trapped outside your car on the coldest day of winter with nowhere to stay warm while you wait for help. But, one of the most important things to do in an emergency such as this, is to remain calm. Not only will it help you to think about the best options you have, it will also help you to avoid worsening the situation.

    Can you imagine worsening a chronic medical condition while waiting for help to get in your car all because you are stressed out? Don’t let it happen to you! It may seem a bit to ask if you’re naturally a ‘worrier’. But, it is very important that you try to stay as calm as you can throughout the ordeal.

  2. Check to see if you’ve forgotten to do something before removing the key

    Sometimes we are quick to draw conclusions. Before you conclude that your key is stuck, be sure to check everything in the car. Do you have an alarm that has to be disabled before you can remove the key? How about your steering wheel? Is it locked and preventing you from removing the key? Are you sure you’re not in the wrong gear and that has locked the key in the ignition? Check and double check before you call for help. It would be quite a story to tell if you had forgotten one of these things and a locksmith came all the way to your location to assist.

  3. Call for help

    Calling a locksmith is not always the first thing you should do if you realize your car key is stuck in the ignition. But, if you have tried your best to remove the key without success, it may be the best option for you. Many locksmiths are trained to remove stuck keys without breaking them. They should be able to remove the key without causing damage to your locks too.

    Regardless of where you live or where you are when your key gets stuck, we’re sure there’s a locksmith in your area that can assist. Just make sure the company you call on has a very good reputation and won’t deliver shabby services.

Has Your Car Key Ever Been Stuck in the Ignition?

If you’ve experienced a stuck car key before, you may know a few tricks to get the key out of the ignition. If it hasn’t happened to you before, make sure you do all you can to prevent it. This goes for every motorist. A stuck car key shouldn’t be on your bucket list of things to experience. It can be a very frustrating and overwhelming feeling, knowing that there is very little you can do. Make sure you try all you can to prevent it. Here are some tips.

  • Clean your ignition regularly

    Never knew that your ignition needed cleaning? It does. You don’t have to clean it every day or even every week, but you need to make sure that dust and small debris does not get inside. If they do, they can easily contribute to problems with your keys.

  • Use your keys the way they’re intended to be used

    Who uses their keys to open bottles? Not you? Great! But, if you do happen to be one of those persons mistreating their keys, you need to stop right now. If your key gets bent, it may just a matter of time before you have problems inserting it into your ignition. You may even end up with a stuck key in your ignition.

  • Don’t attach heavy keys and keyrings to your car key

    So, you have a million and one keys, and you decide to keep them all in one place. Sure enough, your car key is in that bunch. Do you remove the car key just before driving? We’re sure many people won’t do that. Instead, you insert the key with all those other heavy keys on it. This is one of the biggest mistakes that many motorists make. These heavy keys can damage your ignition cylinder. If you’re guilty of doing this, please stop right away. You’ll get a lot more usage out of your ignition cylinder.

When it comes to car locks, Top Locksmith Tolleson in Tolleson, AZ is your best bet. If you would like more information about your options when your car key is stuck in the ignition, call us. We’re always open to assist you when it comes to emergency situations if you are in the area.